Thursday 10 March 2011

The First Of Many

When I first heard of blogging, I thought it was a wonderful idea!

For people that had time to blog that is.

It is only now, after advancing peer pressure, that I realise the world of blog is something I need to make time for.

In the next short time you can expect posts on writing, family, hypnosis, and maybe even the occasional great parenting tip.

Onward and Upward I will amble through this world new to me, the world of the bloggette... new posts from me again soon.


  1. Hey Jessie

    I'm Jodie's husband. We met at the Folk Festival way back when. I've kept a blog since arriving in Switzerland to live and somedays it takes over my life so much I don't have time to write my new novel. I did self publish a novel I had edited before we left Australia. It is for sale on and was published using their CreateSpace. com company. It is a great new way to get your work out there. Jo and I will be home in June for a month or two. We may catch up then. Keep powering on with your projects. Looks like you are having fun. Chers Rob

  2. Hello you two - ahhh Rob, you don't have to tell me who you are, as if I would forget you! I saw the book WELL DONE - we would love to catch up when you get back. I am often looking at your photos, must find your blog! Thanks so much for following mine, you are my first ever follower!
    Hello Mon - yes I am entirely unsure how I will find the time to write! I guess I am going with the where there is a will there is a way thing! I deliberately made time today to post something. I was unsure where to start, thus just a moggy tale! Thanks so much for the posts, it is most encouraging.

  3. Hello Jess, come visit my crappy old blog : ...when I have the time. Welcome to the blogiverse !
