Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Green Room

For the longest time there was no sign of green around my home.

Just dry, dusty, hard ground that bore nothing more than foot piercing brown stalks where grass used to grow.

Several years of hard drought will do this and more, much worse, ask any Qld farmer.

At this time I was busily birthing and brewing my darling little people, so even if we had water I would not be prone to much gardening time.

Still I found it very difficult, within my essence, to be in such a dry dominion.

The little English girl in me found it all so desperate, so void of life.  Although, of course, it never is!

Well now we are a couple of years out of that drought, it took a little while to break.

The summer just gone saw the dry season's twin show her face as our state was washed under oodles of flood waters.

Our town water supply finally hit full capacity.  None of us would have imagined it possible when we had just 1% left in the dam.

I now sit amidst an array of pot plants and greenery.

In my 'green room'.  That special place where I prepare myself for the stage of everyday life.

If I so desire I can walk barefoot over a springy, grassed back yard.

I have a row of a hundred baby trees, still in pots, that I have grown from seed.

And the great sense of balance it gives me to have some green in my life again can not be told in just a few words.

I respectfully note the terrible loss to so many people due to horrendous circumstance of flooding as I say...I am entirely grateful for the watery relief.


  1. Would love to share a cup of tea (I have some chinese tea you might be interested in!!) in your green room. Your words have certainly inspired me to plan a greener room in my own home.

  2. Why thank you Ms P - I for one would love to have a cup of that Chinese Tea with you in my Green Room. AND, I am delighted to add - the greenroom is getting greener (-: Pleased to have inspired you too, the children LOVE IT !!
